Reflection on the project “The Holocaust as a Starting Point” at an international seminar

On 12 December, a seminar was held for teachers and educators involved in the project “The Holocaust as a Starting Point”.

The international seminar for teachers and educators from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia was held via Zoom. The event brought together teachers who had participated in the seminar in Riga (Latvia) on 8-10 May.

The remote seminar was a discussion seminar analysing the historical themes discussed at the previous event in Riga. At this international seminar, 2 teachers, Ringailė Tervydienė (Lithuania) and Deivis Strupulis (Latvia), presented the prepared methodological material “The Holocaust in the Occupied Baltic States”, based on the knowledge and experience gained at the international seminar in Riga. Katja Beckel, an educator from Memorial de la Shoah, said: “When these teachers were preparing the methodological material, I learned a lot of new things about the beginning of the Second World War through my interaction with them. Because Western Europe was at war with Nazi Germany and there was no Soviet occupation. And in the methodological material prepared for the period 1939-1940, both the teacher from Latvia and the teacher from Lithuania mentioned the Soviet occupation”.

The methodological materials prepared by the teachers from the two Baltic States will be made publicly available and accessible to teachers in all three Baltic States.

The international project “The Holocaust as a Starting Point” was initiated by Memorial de la Shoah (an organisation from France) and is implemented in cooperation with the International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes Committed by the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania and the Ministries of Education of Latvia and Estonia.