The Secretariat of the International Commission invites schools and tolerance education centres to participate in a literary and artistic project to learn more about Litvak (Lithuanian Jewish) literature.
School communities interested in the idea of the project are invited to read Litvak works (fiction or non-fiction) and perform them on stage using artistic means such as dance, drama, shadow theatre, singing, music, stage language, and stage movement. The productions, etudes, artistic compositions, or short performances are presented to the local communities. The most creative and informative productions of literary works will be invited to present at the final project event at the Baisogala Cultural Centre in November 2024.
The project is initiated by the Secretariat of the International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania in cooperation with the Tolerance Education Centre of the Baisogala Cultural Centre and the Jakovas Bunka Charity and Support Foundation. The project is co-funded by the Goodwill Foundation (GVF).