On 14 June the Day of Mourning and Hope will be commemorated in Lithuania. This year the Secretariat of the International Commission is initiating commemoration events “The Kite of Hope”.
Every year an idea is offered for the commemoration – a symbol of commemoration, which was used very ingeniously in the events by schools and pre-school institutions. This year the commemoration of the Day of Mourning and Hope will be different. However, all teachers and education staff are invited to organize commemorations (in different forms and ways). On the occasion of commemoration of the Day of Mourning and Hope to remind students of the deportation of Lithuanian people from their homeland, the life of deportees and political prisoners in the harsh locations of Siberia, that daily moral fight for survival, about hunger, starvation and the hope to survive and return to Lithuania.
In 2020 the initiative of the Day of Mourning and Hope is “The Kite of Hope.” The kite as a symbol is being connected with the idea of hope.
Since 2004 the Secretariat of the International Commission has been inviting general education institutions to mark this date and to organize commemorations in local communities, Lithuanian towns and boroughs.