As the International Holocaust Remembrance Day approaches, a lecture on the Roma genocide.

As the International Holocaust Remembrance Day approaches, a lecture on the Roma genocide was delivered by Arūnas Bubnys, a historian and member of the International Commission’s Subcommittee on Crimes of the Nazi Occupation Regime and the Holocaust Investigation.

For the audience of teachers, historian dr. Arūnas Bubnys spoke about racial policies pursued by the Nazis in Europe and about the Roma’s imprisonment and destruction in Auschwitz concentration camp. In the lecture, the historian also provided teachers with some information on the Roma’s life in Lithuania before the Nazi occupation and told about the destruction of this nation in Pravieniškės and Paneriai during World War II.
The event was remotely attended by 63 teachers, museologists, and educators. The lecture was organized by the Secretariat of the International Commission in the cycle of events for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.