A workshop in Riga for teachers from the three Baltic States

The international workshop “The Holocaust as a Starting Point” took place in Riga from 7 to 9 May, bringing together educators from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

During the three-day seminar, the educators listened to lectures on the life of Jewish communities in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia before World War II, on manifestations of anti-Semitism, on the Holocaust and the local population’s collaboration with the Nazis, and resistance to collaboration – the rescue of Jews.
The seminar included a visit to Rumbula, the site of the massacre of the Jews near Riga, where some 25,000 people were killed.
During the seminar, lecturers provided information on analysing historical photographs and using films for educational purposes. The international event also discussed the distortion of the Holocaust, with examples from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and other countries.
Some 50 educators from the three neighbouring countries attended the international seminar, with 14 teachers and educators representing Lithuania.

The event was organised by the Memorial de la Shoah (France) in cooperation with the Secretariat of the International Commission and the Ministries of Education of Latvia and Estonia. The international seminar in Riga, Latvia, is part of the international project “The Holocaust as a Starting Point.”