Books published by the International Commission are distributed to educational and cultural institutions in the regions

Books published in mid-August by the International Commission presenting historians’ research on crimes committed during the Nazi and Soviet occupations have been distributed to several regional institutions.


The books published by the International Commission (8 pieces) were given to the following cultural and educational institutions: Skaudvilė Library and Skaudvilė Gymnasium in Tauragė district, Antanas Giedraitis – Giedrius Gymnasium in Jurbarkas, Lybiškės Library in Jurbarkas district, and the Veliuona Regional Museum in Jurbarkas district.

The International Commission presented the following books to these institutions:

  • Occupation and Annexation. The First Soviet Occupation. Algirdas Jakubčionis, Stasys Knezys ir Arūnas Streikus.
  • Terror and Crimes against Humanity. The First Soviet Occupation. Arvydas Anušauskas.
  • Occupiers and collaborators. The First Soviet Occupation. Nijolė Maslauskienė and Inga Petravičiūtė.
  • Soviet Union’s political structures in Lithuania and their criminal activities. The Second Soviet occupation. Vytautas Tininis.
  • The consolidation of the communist regime in Lithuania and its crimes. The Second Soviet occupation. Vytautas Tininis.
  • Massacres of prisoners of war and civilians in Lithuania. Christoph Dieckmann, Vytautas Toleikis and Rimantas Zizas.
  • Persecution and mass murder of Lithuanian Jews in the summer and autumn of 1941. Christoph Dieckmann and Saulius Sužiedėlis.
  • The Holocaust in the Lithuanian Province in 1941. Arūnas Bubnys.


The International Commission’s books given to the Library in Skaudvile. Education Programme Coordinator Ingrida Vilkienė with a librarian in Skaudvilė Library, Žydre Maciene.